
Untold Indiana—formerly the Indiana History Blog—unearths stories about the state’s past, places them into historical context, and highlights their relevance to modern readers. In 2024, the name was changed to reflect what sets our work apart. This includes topic originality, nuanced interpretations, and in-depth primary source research. We hope to add to the dialogue and historiography about Indiana’s nuanced past and help shape Hoosiers’ collective identity.

Untold Indiana is a publication of the Indiana Historical Bureau, a division of the Indiana State Library. IHB seeks to teach Hoosiers of all ages about our state’s history through such public programming as our blog, State Historical Marker Program, Talking Hoosier Podcast, Indiana Legislative Oral History Initiative, and the Indiana Almanac, among other projects and partnerships. To propose a blog post, please visit our Guest Blogger Guidelines and contact editor Nicole Poletika.